Our main goals:

Community | Transformation | Growth

Welcome to the Triple Point Collective, where women entrepreneurs are taking charge of their careers and building meaningful businesses on their own terms.

We're a group of fierce women who've been there, done that, and are ready to help you succeed. We know firsthand the challenges that women face in the corporate world, with unnecessary hurdles and wage gaps at every level. That's why we've shifted our energy to entrepreneurship, where we believe the playing field can be leveled and our authentic selves can thrive.

Our goal is to provide women with the resources, mentorship, support, and guidance they need to succeed. We focus on evergreen companies that don't seek venture capital as a primary funding source, because we believe it's possible to build a meaningful business without sacrificing your equity.

At Triple Point Collective, we're tackling the glass ceiling and wage gap head-on, but from a different angle. We believe that when women are at the helm of their own businesses, they create companies & workplaces aligned with their values.

It's time to chase your dreams and build the business you've always wanted. With Triple Point Collective, you'll have the support and guidance you need every step of the way.

Our community is open to everyone, including those who identify as trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming. Our space centers around those who are comfortable participating in a space that focuses on the experiences of being a woman or marginalized person in business.

We welcome you and look forward to guiding you on your entrepreneurial journey!

What is a Triple Point?

A Triple Point, according to chemistry, is the point where pressure + temperature coincide, creating the perfect conditions for an element where it can exist in all three phases - liquid, gas, and solid - simultaneously and in perfect balance.

The triple point is different for each element, however it exists for all, regardless of how difficult it is to reach and maintain.

Here at the Collective, we use the Triple Point as an analogy for supporting women entrepreneurs. Our work is dedicated to serving as a catalyst to create an environment where women can thrive on their journey to Founder & CEO. There just may be a perfect combination of elements that when they coincide, create a solid foundation from which your business can grow.

Our Values


Our Values |

  • Community is the foundation to our business model and what we believe will be the biggest resource and support for our members.

  • Our Collective is designed to seek out diversity in our team and community members. We recognize this is an ongoing journey and are committed to continuously improving our practices and policies to support these values.

  • We embrace the teachings of Brene Brown on belonging being an “innate human desire to be part of something larger than us”.

    We will continuously strive to create a community where our team and members feel safe to bring their authentic selves to every conversation.

  • Everyone deserves an equal chance, regardless of where they are beginning. We will extend scholarship opportunities and sliding scales to those who need extra support to access our programs.

  • We are guided by the women who came before us:

    "Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women." - Maya Angelou

    “Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” -Maggie Kuhn

    We are here to lift each other up and break down long held barriers.